Tuesday, October 16, 2012

the perfect pillow

This summer I redecorated my room. I did a lot of DIY projects from Pinterest. A LOT! And I love how every little detail came together.

I'll share some of the tutorials on here. I didn't take pictures of the process for any of them, but I will share the link to the blogs that were helpful!

Here is a quick, easy DIY for a flower pillow. All you have to do is cut and glue. Seriously, this was the easiest project I did this summer.

Visit addsomepaint for her tutorial.

I had some left over linen fabric from upholstering my headboard to sew a quick pillow. Then found the perfect mustard fleece fabric for the petals. I think I just got a 1/4 a yard, but I can't remember. I have lots of left over fabric though! You could use felt or fleece for the petals.

I cut the circles while watching a movie one night, and then glued it all together. So easy! The only challenge was not cursing when I would hot glue my finger. 

I'm thinking of making a red flower pillow for our Christmas decorations this year. Join me! If you live near by, my dream is to have a Christmas Craft Night next month.


  1. I would join in your Christmas craft night!

    I love that chair, Sarah.

  2. I'm in love with this! Such a neat idea to recycle already existing fabric. Definitely wanting to do something similar to this for the fall season. ;)
